Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Company Came To Visit Me.

GuyK and his wife, Mrs Penny and the two most great dogs came to town for a week. Guy cAME TO SEE MY HORSE DOCTOR ABOUT PULLING SOME TEETH WITHOUT GETTING A HUGH LOAN. wE SHOT SOME GUNS TODAY, WAS NOT GREAT WEATHER, RAINING AND COLD. wE BOTH SUCKED AND i THINK WE DID NOT HAVE OUR HEARTS IN IT TODAY. mAYBE THE WEATHER WILL BE A LITTLE BETTER THIS WEEKEND? I have taken a few pain pills tonight, I am down in my back and my legs. Nancy took Mrs Penny off today, they went to the old jail in Darien, which was given to the art socity for free when the new jail was opened. It is a place that memebers can make things and art work and sell at a good price. Quilts are a big seeer. My wife has sold three and making more. We went to a gun shop this morning and could not find what we wanted. The part is more money than the gun is worth. I gave them some fresh eggs and a quart of homemade peppers in a mason jar, they are good with veggies and any type of greens. I have been busy two out of the last three days and maybe I will stay at home tomorrow and rest. I think we all may load up and go see Kelly and Joey saturday. I know I will get them some great shrimp to take back home and some Harris Neck Oysters, they are the best anywhere. It is always very nice to see my friends, Guy and me have a lot in common and he seems like a big brother to me. I hope we will have a better report next time. Guy's shoulder is killing him, and he also had a lot of teeth pulled Tuesday. Till next time, Cat


  1. Sounds like a great time!

  2. GuyK thinks the world of y'all and seems to be having a great time blasting away with you (according to his blog)
