Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rain, Man Did It Rain?

Last night we had a strong come through coastal Georgia. It rained about five inches in three hours. My house was built on a large sand hil, it drains off almost as fast as it comes down. The bad thing about strong winds, my five acres is not all cleared and we always did down trees and broken tree limbs by the hundreds. It usually takes me a few days to pick and cut those bastards up, so I can burn them. I have been fishing everyday and live is good. My back still sucks with pain. I finally got my Firefox going again so I will be writing a little more. I also want to thank all of my friends that was worried about me. Take care and see you soon, Cat

1 comment:

  1. We had a big boomer here last night but it didn't last long. Glad you made it through all right. Looked like a big storm down your way.
