Monday, September 11, 2006

Sounds like I missed a good time in Helen.

I have been reading and checking out web sites about Helen. Looks like it was a great time with good people. I wish I could have gone. My back is killing me. I was going to leave wednesday and stay over in Atlanta then make the trip to Helen the next day, I could not get out the bed. If I would have made the trip, I would have been in bed the whole time, just like Rob his last trip to Helen. That would have sucked. I am very sorry I missed it and missed meeting a few new people that I really wanted to me. I have been taking it easy for the last few days, my mind, what I have left, has been swimming lately. I have been thinking about all types of shit, death is not one of them. I was thinking about my life and my family and friends . I am very lucky to have lots of both. I need to go see my 99 year old aunt again, before she dies. The last time I saw her, about a month ago Lucille looked very old and sick. I only have two aunts living and no uncles. Mama and Daddy had plenty of brothers and sisters. All of daddy's are dead, been dead a long time. Shit, dad died 24 years ago. Agin I am sorry for issing the trip, but I could not make it, Cat


  1. We're sorry you missed it too, darlin'!

  2. yeah, I wuld have liked to have gone but maybe next time

  3. No excuses next time, Cat. We missed having you there.

  4. We're sorry you couldn't make it, too, but it was good you stayed home to take care of yourself. No point going if you can't have fun.
