Wednesday, December 22, 2004

New Black Mayor makes front page news

In Savannah Georgia our new black mayor made news yesterday, he took down all of the pictures of past mayors of Savannah in city hall, I think he was sick of looking at all of those white faces. Savannah is about 85% black, so what. his name is Oyis Johnson. He is our secound black mayor, who cares. There is a long outstanding saying about Savannah, the Jews own it, the Irish run it and the Niggers enjoy it, it still stands true today. I am not a racist, being an American Indian, but the truth is the truth. Most people with money and hates blacks moved out of Savannah back in the early 80's, that left nothing but blacks and a few jews in the city and of course SCAD students, the largest art schools in the country. SCAD started with 12 students and it it now huge, we have kids from everywhere and rich kids also. SCAD has put Savannah on the map again and has restored most of downtown. I was raised in the old fort, Washington Squea, 56 years ago. Mama and Daddy lived in the same house for 55 years, very old and run down, until they restored it in 1967, we had a outhouse till I was 6 years old. We burned wood, then went to coal and then fuel oil and then made the big jump to natural gas, Mama added AC in 1977, I was gone in 1966. We have come a long way baby. Each room had a fireplace and 25 foot ceilings, very hard to heat and cool, but it was home. This time of year brings back some very good memories of my childhood at christmas time. We played ball in the park each day and after Christmas we started building the bonfire that took place each year. We lit it at midnight Dec 31 and that fire would burn for several days. It burned the paint off peoples houses and set trees on fire, the Savannah Fire Department was on stand-by, everyone in Savannah was there for blocks, one big party. My middle brother Artie broke his arm climbing to the top to light it one year, it was higher than the light poles. It took weeks to build and had tires and barrels from the stores and warehouses on river street, wood, everything we could get our hands on went on the fire. They out lawed the bonfires in 1960, I think. Then they moved to Daffin park and then to Thunderbolt and then no more bonfires at all. Well folks, more about Savannah Georgia later, Catfish.

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