Sunday, March 18, 2007

I must be feeling better?

I think I am getting better? Last night I statrted to think about sex and getting a little loving. That flu had my ass for about 10 days, I was sick as a dog. I think I will live people. I was talking with the old lady last night and she made be laugh. I told her that her cold almost killed me and made me miss the Claxton snake show. I wanted to go and see the guys. I am thinking about taking a small trip today, for meds and groceries, about a 40 mile trip. I got a call from my son Ryan in New York yesterday, he told me that he got his old job back and they gave him a great big raise. He was happy as hell. He needs to get some good luck, he has had his belly full of bad luck. If I feel better tonight, I will try and get around to a little pussy, I think I may need a little. Fishing will be getting better in a few weeks and my bass will be arriving in a month. I have been feeding my fish and the catfish are getting large. I still have not sold my Harley, maybe I will try and sell it next month? Let me go and call in some meds, Cat


  1. Hey Cat. Why don't you put a couple of pictures of your scoot on the blog and let us know what you are asking for it? Glad to hear you are feeling better. This new comment thingamajigger you have sucks ass.

  2. I am sorry, my blog sever changed all of the pages and comments last week. He made us go from a 5.0 to a 6.0, whatever that means? I hope he can get everything worked out, it do suck a big one.

  3. Sorry to hear you've been sick but glad to know you're doing better. Happy Anniversary to you both.
