Sunday, March 25, 2007

I thought we were getting well?

Friday night we went out to eat, just to see if we could get out and be alive again. We were both sick with the flu for about two weeks. We ate the samething friday night. Our little fishing village had a small parade saturday, vendors, arts and crafts, food, seafood and music. This is beginning to be a big event peole from all over come to see the parade and get on some of the best seafood in the world. We were going to the parade and drink a few beers at two oclock, when we got out of bed saturday morning, we were both sick as dogs, we lived on the toilets for more than half the week end. Have you ever had liquid coming out of both holes at the same time? It is not funny and hurts like shit. I had to go to the grocery store today to load up on food and drinks. I stayed gone a couple of hours and made it home okay. We are both still weak, but a lot better than sunday. I will not go to that bar and grill again to eat anything. I am going to call the owner tomorrow and ask him did anyone else call and tell him about them getting sick. It was very bad. Ya'll take care and I hope to write about a few better stories than all this sick stuff, Cat


  1. Cat, the next time you get that sick at both ends I expect a YouTube video. Be the spray, as they say.

  2. Hope you two feel better soon!And yes, I've been that sick before having stuff come flying out of both ends.

  3. You know what's weird, dude? I had the flu and the very next week got a nasty case of food poisoning, too. Maybe we're twins or something. Of course, I have a mullet so I'm clearly the better looking of the two.

  4. What a priceless thread *that* was. Wowee. Seems I can't go anywhere in the 'sphere without you derelictards talking about your asshole gravy.

  5. Oh I have so been there. Glad you're feeling better.

  6. Heck yes, I've been there Cat, food poisoning, Flu, dysentery so bad I thought I'd die. Of course they'll deny it but hash houses that put out contaminated food need to be put out of business. Stay hydrated. Have you tried 'Loperamide Hydrochloride' tablets? I find they help if you can tolerate them until you get stablized. Get well soon :)

  7. Say Cat, you might consider contacting the local health department the next time you come down with 'food-borne illnesses' immediately after eating at a restaurant. They will do an inspection, and the establishment will have to upgrade their proceedures and equipment. Sometimes, cross contamination issues are high because employees don't follow codes or proceedures, or equipment is operating at substandard levels. All it takes is one careless food-server, cook, or food-service manager to impact in a serious way on your health. It can stop, with that phone-call. Take care....
