Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Trip To The Feed And Seed Store Today

I got in the truck and drove 17 miles to the seed store today. I needed some chicken feed and some pond food and fish food also. While I was there my cousin Luther and his wife came up, he needed some feed also. We finally got his chicken coop built and he now has 12 chickens and two roosters. While we were at the feed store, we noticed a lot of people there, car and trucks everywhere. I thought they were giving something away? People were buying baby chicks for easter, they had blue, red, pink, green, yellow and green ones. They were so cute. Kids alaways got chicks and baby ducks for easter back when I was a child. The owner had nothing but big smiles on her face. She was making money like it was going out of style. Every chick she sold, she would then ask about a watering cup and a feedind device for the chicks. She had a big box of the plastic watering and feeding jars beside the chicks and after selling them the chicks, and the water and feeders, then she would sell them a bad of feed. Man she was making the money. Luther wanted some small chicks, but she only had the colored ones, so he purchased 22 baby chicks. I hope they will not lose the color, cause they are very cute and pretty. We wanted me to get a few, but I said no. My cats would love to play and kill them. Next animals to buy is two baby goats. I will get them when they are young and put a collar on them and let them eat my grass and weeds in the woods on both sides of my house. When the goats get big, I will take them to market and sell them and get two more babies. I love goats, but they are very nasty when they get big. Luther wants some rabbits, so next week will will go to the sale and get him three rabbits, one male and two females, within 6 months, He will have about 20 rabbits and he will be in the rabbit selling for meat. Take care and be safe. Also have a very nice St Patrick's day tomorrow, Cat


  1. Damn Dad, you're turning into a regular Old Mac Donald!

  2. Them chicks will lose their color inside a month. They are dyed with food color. Anything else would kill them.
