Friday, August 5, 2005

Gators again

Early last night, I was outside burning trash, and saw five turkey buzzars flying around my pond. I saw three os them hit the ground, so I walked down there to see what they were eating. I got down there and saw nothing but the birds. It still smells like something been dead for about a week, but no gators or fish, not even a snake. Something must be dead under the water and once in a while it comes up to the top of the water for a few mintues? My neighbors are wanting to sell and get the fuck away from me. I want them to leave also, fuck those assholes. Everyone else down here loves what I am doing. I would hate to see a small child get eaten by one of those gators. I will never give up, I will walk and look and bait those things up. Everyday if needed. Will keep you posted and more sex coming Monday, have a good weekend and ya'll be safe, Cat


  1. Good luck getting those gators. You stay safe though, ok? I don't want you getting hurt. Hope the smell goes away soon.

  2. I thought for sure you'd have that gator by now, I've been gone for a week. Hot as hell here, but otherwise great. Thanks for the site visit, I recommend a good airshow anytime you get the chance.Happy hunting.
