Friday, December 26, 2008

Thank Goodess, Christmas Has Gone And Over With.

First of all, I got the same presents this year as I get every year. I got a shirt and a piece of pussy and both of them were two sizes to big. Going to cook some pork ribs on my smoker tomorrow for a few friends. It was 80 degrees here today and should be close to it tomorrow. Willie came to see me today, I was down at the pond and he saw where me and Acidman use to sit and fish. We both miss him a lot. Willie gave me a few CDs that he has put together, some of Rob and Dave and Cop 3 band. Some older friends that played music on river street in Savannah. That was very nice of Willie. He told me that he was trying to get Dave to copyright those songs and make an album. I will let you know, Cat


  1. Great talking with you on Christmas, Cat.

  2. Same here Jimbo. I also enjoyed talking with my buddy Ken, he is a great man. Wish I had a man like Ken living close to me. My Ken, Chuck was his real name, died this past year, while I was talking to him on the phone, Cat

  3. Happy New Year, Cat - it was good to talk to you on Xmas at Jim's house. We all ( The Usual Suspects ) went out for dinner and then back to my house were as we always consumed too much of our favorite drink ( Orange Vodka ) watched the ball drop and then I passed out. Sitting here today trying to chill out. Hope 2009 brings only the BEST to you and yours. Your friend always, The Body Guard !!!
