Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My cousin's grand daughter is driving me crazy.

Haley is getting to me, she is a very scrwed up 14 year old. She has been in trouble since she was a liottle girl. Her mama is still on crack, has been married 5 times and now lives in Vermont. She never sees the child. Her daddy has a girlfriend and she will not let him spent time or money on his only child. She must have something that most women don't have? He is not a man in my book. Haley has lived with grand parents off and on her whole life. My ciusin got custody of her about 2 years ago. Haley has lived in foster homes and has been in trouble with drugs and booze. I have been talking to her and telling her about all the drunks in my family. I hope she believes me? Nancy took her shopping yesterday and got some things for her. I told her that she is loved and her grandmama and grand daddy loves her, that is why she is living with them. School starts in 2 weeks and Haley is an A student, but gets into roublw with her mouth and her screwed up ways. We will try and help and do anything we can for this child. Haley is very smart but a little mixed up right now. I want to thank all of you who wrote and sent me emails about her. My youngest child is 30 years old and my oldest child is 41, three boys and one girl. I think I may have my hands full. If it gets too damn tough for us, she can then go back home to my cousin, he lives 15 miles from me and all of his kids are grown and gone. I think the big problem with them is trust, they do not trust Haley. Wish me luck sportfans, Cat


  1. Cat, teenage girls can drive you crazy for sure. I know I have a 15 year old red head. Your situation is going to be difficult. When a child is abandoned, unwanted, unloved by her parents, the two people that should love her the most in the world, the child is justifiably angry. You and your wife are doing the right thing letting her know there are people that love her and care about her and her future. You need to set strict rules about what is not going to be tolerated, drugs, drinking, sex or what ever but give her the freedom to grow up. Kids really appreciate rules I think. Let her see that she can trust you and your wife and hopefully she will want to earn both your trust. I will pray for you all.

  2. Hugs to you and Nancy. Teenagers are not easy to begin with and when you add a screwed up early life, it makes it harder.

  3. Wow. How wonderful for her that she has you to care about her. Tough age even when the parents didn't screw up. Sounds like it will take a while to win her over but I have a feeling if anyone can turn her around, you two will be the ones. Good luck. Sending you positive thoughts.

  4. I hope you're able to help her sort things out...poor kid.
