Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Going Fishing And Snake Hunting Today

I worked a lot in the yard yesterday. Cut some big trees down, they were dead, and worked on the chicken pen also. Today, when the weather warms up, I am going fishing and I will take a shotgun down to the pond for the snakes. I have never seen so many snakes in my life. I heard the two gators last night. They are trying to mate and stay hidden from me. I got the worms and the crickets ready to go, just waiting for the sun to come up. I miss my old friend Chuck and Robbie, they use to love to come down and fish with me. I miss both of them very much. Now when I catch a big fish, I have no one to show it. I have a cat, that thinks she is a dog. She goes to the pond with me and sits by my side while I am fishing. It is better than nothing. Take care good people and come back soon, Cat


  1. I hope those gators stay away from your cat.

  2. wish I was there with you..maybe in June or JUly..still ain't made the deal on the pickup yet..sumbitches won't come down and I won't budge..

  3. .... we all miss Robbie too, Catfish..... come up here and hunt squirrels with me...... I know it isn't that much of a stretch, but it is therapeutic.......
