Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Quess what happened today?

I walked down to the pond again today, within ten minutes, I had caught about twelve fish. I went to check on the two gators, but started fishing again. I went nack to the house to get some more worms and then went back to catching fish. A yankee man, that lives at the end of the road, came by to see me. I was at the pond, he joined me and he started catching fish. He catch over 25 fish ib less than an hour and he was having fun and acting like a small kid. This yankee is the one that broke my truck window and he is so dumb, he retired from general motors with 30 years, I think they took care of him and made a lot of his choices in life. Back to fishing, I caught about 40 fish today before four o'clock and had to make a trip to the bait store. I came back with 300 crickets and two tubs of live big ass pink worms. I will try it again tomorrow, those fish are hitting everything, even plastice jigs. I wish all of you could be here and kill them like I have been killing them. Have fun and take care, Cat


  1. if I wuz able I'd be there with ya..sounds like some fun

  2. Glad to hear from you. Guyk and me were asking about you last week. I hope you are doing good and start to write again. Do you have the same email? If not, send me the new one. Take care and nice to hear from you, as always, Cat

  3. Dang that is a lot of fish! I bet they taste good too!

  4. Something else happened today Catfish, you've !

  5. What nearby town do you live in in Georgia? I've been reading your blog for a while. Got the link from Acidman's site. Moving to Florida in about 6 months and would love to stop by for a visit. Would bring you any Yankee thing that you'd like!!! (There's got to be at least one!)

  6. Bonnie, I live seven miles off of Interstate 95 south. Iam between Richmond Hill Ga and Eulonia Ga. When you get ready to travel, email me and I will give you my address and phone numbers and I would be very glad for you to stop by.
