Monday, October 17, 2005


Do any of you have bad pain, all the time? Since I retired from 30 years of service, my back is getting worst. Do ya'll think a person should have pain in the year 2005? Looks like all the new meds that this world has, a person should not have pain. I saw my dad die of cancer, he lived on ensure and pain pills for 2 years. I have taken almost every kind of pain pills in the world, I still hurt. My friend Rob, hurts all the time also, but he can't eat, I eat like a horse. I am twice the size of my buddy Rob, he does not eat anything. He told me today, he trys to eat, but can't. Maybe he will bew okay after his 6 weeks of treatments, I sure hope so. I wish my friend a speedy rcovery and that he will be back to normal, whatever that is, Cat


  1. Cumere baby, I'll take all your pain away ;)

  2. We all wish Rob the best. My problem is, I can't get my hands on your drugs. They tell me I'm fit as a fiddle, when I need meds for my back. Bastards.

  3. Have you tried any of the pain patches, Cat? Like Fentanyl or...uh...there's another one, but for the life of me, I can't remember the name of it. Good gawd...I've forgotten everything I ever learned. (sigh)Anywho, a lotta people with chronic pain have better luck with those than with pills. Might talk to your doc the next time you're there.

  4. Pain is awful, I know. I had a bad fall and and hurt my back about 12 years ago, then two years ago I got whiplashed by some bastard who thought that a red light meant go! It's made worse by mental pain and hurt too.I'd second what GUYK said, go see your doc again. It's also a pity that there are so many miles between us as I'm pretty good at fixing backs as well as the rest of the body and soul, and also I know an amazing osteopath who can fix just about anything.I really should give him a call...

  5. I'm no Bill Klintoon, but I feel y'alls pain. Actually, no, I don't. I feel my own pain. Broken back in '92. Fragments left in, they said it probably would never bother me.Why are doctors like politicians?Now it bothers me. Big time the last 2 weeks.Get up out of a chair, or bend down then stand up, at any time out of the blue I can get stabbed and end up horizontal for a minute or two (or I would, if I didn't have anything handy to grab). And this ain't space, everyone can hear me scream.The job pays the everyday bills, that's about it, and no insurance, I will try to deal with it without going to the hospital. I'm 51 and don't want to pay them for whatever treatment I get till I'm 75.I expect surgery at some point tho. What else someone gonna do, pray & lay hands on me?No insurance, no doctor, so no drugs either.Anyone got spares?Bleh.
