Thursday, March 2, 2006

Pussy in the morning, pussy in the evening and pussy at supper time.

That use to be my favorite song, until I got old and have my bad back. I loved pussy to death, could not get enough of it. Now that I am older and my bones hurt like shit all the time, I now love peace and quiet and a good plate of food. You younger men out there, better get all you can now, cause when you get older, you will not be able to cut the mustard much anymore. When I was younger, I would beg, steal, borrow as much pussy as I could get, I loved it more than eating and drinking. I can think back to a lot of my life about the ways I use to get pussy and laugh my ass off. I will start sharing these stories with my readers, that way you can laugh also. I started working at the age of 12, just to have the things I wanted. My daddy got my  drivers permit when I was 15, then I got me a car. I worked for pussy, friday and saturday nights were my big pussy nights. I always got laid on those nights, one way or the other. I have had cops walk up to my car and make me leave the spots I was in, I was also caught by a girls daddy, in there house, many more coming soon. My kids know all about me and my life and they think is is very funny. I hope you will too.