Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Got my chickens and roosters today.

I drove to a very small town this morning, got up at 6:30 am and jumpstarted my cracker ass. First of all I stopped at a old time feed and seed store, looked 100 years old, the building looked like it was going to fall in. Needed paint and air-condition. It was hot and smelled like corn and oats. I got two bags of chicken feed, one for the scratch and the other was a pellet for the roosters and big hens. I ended up with a very pretty, fancy tail small rooster, black with dark red on his sides and a very long tail. The other rooster was a lot bigger and black all over. I also got four hens, One hen laid some eggs when I was there. She is about as big as a medium size dog and the other three are children hens, about 8 weeks old. My cats are having a great time chasing those yard birds around. I will build a pen around those birds tomorrow. I also spent 20.00 on a feeder for the food and also have a large flat water plate for them. Going to have fun with these pets. The roosters have been singing all afternoon. If I get sick of them, I can always use them as gator bait.


  1. My 5 cats just saw them for the first time. Cats are going crazy, funny as hell.

  2. Joey has his mind set on getting a few cocks and hens too when we move...I know, I know...I just like typing cocks

  3. With four hens you didn't need but one rooster and those hens will lay whether you have a rooster or not. The two roosters will probably wind up fighting and one will kill or hurt the other one. Good alligator bait as you say. When I kept hens I never kept a rooster unless I wanted the hens to set..

  4. Last time I heard a cock crow was just before my MAG gunner shot it to pieces... the bastard was always waking us up before dawn... the CSM was not pleased... :-)

  5. Cat, what's up with Rob? There are people in his comments saying he's done the deed. I'm not wanting to believe it unless I hear it from you or Sam or someone else close to him.

  6. Catfish - I've stopped in to read many times, but haven't commented often. I couldn't help but think of you when I heard about Rob. My condolences to you, as I know you two were so close.
