Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I am still in bad pain with my hernia

I have been in very bad pain today. I thought the pain in my belly would be gone by today. I still have it along with my other pains from my lwggs and back. I have been some kind of doped up for the last three days. It even hurts when I cough and laugh. Maybe tomorrow I will be better, I need to get my new Sony camera working, Cat


  1. This is getting ridiculous now, you NEED to feel better. It's no way to live, being in pain. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make all your pains go away forever.

  2. Me too, thanks ladies, Cat

  3. Sorry to hear it Cat. Hope you feel better soon.

  4. Feel better soon, Cat...Hugs...

  5. I'm so sorry that you are still in a lot of pain.

  6. Cat, when I had my hernia fixed I got home and called the office and told em I would be back to work the next day. I guess the local wore off after that, took all I had to get out of bed to go pee for several days. Breathing, eating, moving were all an ordeal. It will get better, I dont have ur other pains but the hernia one take a few days is all I know. Hang in there.

  7. Happy Father's day Cat.

  8. habg in there catfish. Me and sweetthing are gonna be heading your way as soon as she gets over her back surgery--maybe late September

  9. Hope you're mending well Cat... and dont do no pickin up heavy shit! My Doc told me not to even lift a newspaper too high after my hernia op. I am glad I followed his advice... and firming up my stomach muscles after the 12 weeks (spelled weaks) also helped... no blown gaskets het. :-)
