Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tee Shirts

I read a post over at Parkwayreststop and he was talking about a 600,000 law suit. Well a few years ago, down here in Georgia, school kids can wear almost anything they want. The opening day od school a bunch of black kids wore tee's with the big X on the front and free the people on the back. Most of the kids could have cared less. A small group of boys and girls wore there stars and bars redneck tee's the next day and all hell broke loose. The blacks showed up on the doors to the school the next day and wanted all the white kids kicked out. The head of the school system down here asked the blacks, you can wear those black power and Malcome X shirts to school but the whites can't wear there redneck shirts to school? What is wrong with you people? Things were okay until the news got hold of that story, then shit hit the fan. Quess who won the war on shirts? Cat


  1. Really? That's pretty stupid. No wonder you southerners have such a bad reputation. What's good for the goose...

  2. That's why we don't move north.

  3. I don't have to wonder...I live here....we always cater to a class of people at the risk of offending we allow anything...well...anything "the" minority desires
