Thursday, August 2, 2007

Growing Up

When I was a small kid, going up in Washington Square in Savannah Georgia, if people saw what me and all the kids did, they would have a heart attack. Things we did back then are all taboo these days. We played with fireworks, glaass bottles, threw rocks and hit them with sticks, played caowboys and indians, we would also hit each other over the heads with sticks and clubs. About once each week they would be a fight, I mean a bad fight, both kids would be hurt and bleeding all over each other. We ate shit that people look down on today. We rode in the back of trucks, had no seat belts and everyone over the age of 12 smoked. When we reached 14, we all have been fucked at least once, been drunk several times and had cuts and broken bones. Man have times have changed. I am very glad and surprised that I am still living? Take care people and have a great weekend and please be safe, Cat


  1. Yep, we grew up the same way in northern Georgia. Ain't it amazing how pussified our society has become inf such a short time. I'd hate to see it 50 years from now. Won't be anything around but a bunch of girly men. Makes me want to puke. I'll be dead by then thank God.

  2. Yeah, those were the good old days. Wasn't so different going up in the North in a little town. If our parents knew all the shit we did, we would have gotten a good whupping. But we were clever enough to mostly not get caught.

  3. Hey Cat, I am TOTALLY surprised I survived my childhood, especially the teen years. It was great talking to you on the phone at Maeve's - you have the sexiest voice EVER! ha ha

  4. Thanks, I do have a sexy voice, as long as you only talk to me on the phone and keep your eyes closed.
