Sunday, September 23, 2007

I Want To Thank Everyone For the Kind Words For Chuck.

I have had a lot of phone calls and emails and all of my blogger friends. Some of you have met Chuck but most of you have not. He was from Ohio, his dad died when he and his brother were three and five years of age. His mama worked in retain and cleaned houses and did maid service on her other full time job. Both boys finished college and Chuck got married and went into the Army, he served four tours in Nam. Got out of the service in Savannah and started working for the city. He came up through the ranks and he has been a superviser for the last ten years. We have been best of friends for years, he was almost my brother, we were both Leo's and our mama's were just like each other. He only had two kids, Tony and Tina and two grandkids, that is his only family. We saw each other all the time and when I lived in Savannah, we saw each other everyday. Both Chuck and I have lost a many a good friend in the last three years, one year we lost 13 due to cancer, heart and bike wrecks. I lost Rob last year and Chuck yesterday, I am running out of good friends. I still have two great friends that go back to my childhood. I hope they keep living. I know some very nice people and most of them have gotten in touch with me yesterday and today. I just want to thank all of you for those nice words and concern over my buddy. Thanks again, Cat


  1. If there is any consolation to be had from this sadness, it could be that there are new friendships waiting to be made. Again, I cannot tel you how sorry I am for your loss. Nothing sucks quite so much as losing a friend.

  2. Damn, Cat, I'm sorry. Just learned about this now. I never met him, but if he was a friend of yours, I know I would have liked him.
