Thursday, September 20, 2007

Update On Chuck

Last night Chuck had another stroke in the ER. They had to drain blood from his head to stop the growing of his brain. Chuck is not doing good and the doctor told me that he may not make it. Chuck's been one of my best friends for many years and he also was a friend of Acidman. I rememeber back a few years, one night on river street in Savannah, they had a festival, with live bands and food and plenty of liqour. We all showed up at eight oclock that night, started to drink, like it was our last day on this earth. By ten oclock we were so drunk, that we could not hit our ass with our hats. We were asked to leave Wet Willies, the frozen drink place, we were drinking those drinks, two at a time. Then we started drinking beer from all over the world. We drank black beer, brown beer, green beer and many more beers than I can remember. We we started up the ramp from river street to bat street, it looked like the three stooges trying to get out of a wet paper bag. We finally made it up those brick and rock steps and fell into a nice place to eat. I think it was one of those five star places. We ate and had a few more beers. It took us hours to eat and before we left, we were drinking coffee and eating some fancy ass bread. I got sober enough to drive us back to my house, where we all crashed and passed out as soon as I opened the door. The next day Bowleggs said Joe, last night was the worst drunk I have been on in years. Chuck was still a sleep, I thought he was dead, he was out for over 12 hours. I have already lost so many friends, I can't afford to lose anymore. I hope Chuck makes a big turn around and walks out of there in a few days.


  1. I am so sorry to hear about your friend Cat. I hope he can pull through and make some more good memories with you.

  2. It's hell to get old Cat, I sincerely hope your friend Chuck pulls through and gets better. I've lost three myself the past year. Keep the faith.

  3. I'm sorry to hear this new, Cat. Hope he recovers 100%.
