Monday, April 18, 2005

I need sleep

I have a doctors visit for tomorrow morning. I need more pills, pain pills and lots of them. I fell a few times this weekend, playing half rubber, I should have known better, but I had enough punch in my belly and I was ready. Me and Kim started drinking a black rum that morning, we finished it by 11:00 am, I was ready for bear, or anything else that they wanted to do. God damn, I am getting old. I hurt my ribsa and also have a black spot on my forehead, from me popping the bull whip, it came back on me and hit me in the head. I am very glad the party was only two days, one more day and I would have killed myself. Did not see the gators today, I was ready for them, one shot gun and two pistols, they were hiding. Those gators are smart and my four cats are not scared of them, yet. They go hunting with me, when I shoot something, they are there to smell and play with it. Brave ass cats, mama cat is a Maine Coon, about 20 pounds and mean as shit, the other three are still babies, ask Acidman about them? He loves them and they love Rob. I hope I get three hours sleep tonight, Cat


  1. Thanks darling, you are so kind.

  2. Damn one fine lookin' man honey. I done seen your photo everywhere..hmmmm...I might have to get myself home to Georgia alot sooner than I planned and I just might have to leave my ole' man at home :)

  3. Sandy, come back home, we can always use another pretty woman, Cat

  4. Well when I get home I just might have to look some of you wild people up but from the photos I saw from this last blogmeet ya'll are in no short supply of pretty women :)
