Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Another day another dollar

My life is getting a little boring lately. I do the samething each day. I get up, eat and drink a lot of coffee, take pills and live a little. I want to do a lot of things, but I can't because of my bad back. My sex life has gone to shit, I can't do any of the things I use to do. I can't travel or do any sports, I would love to play some golf and ride my Harley, but I can't. So I sit here everyday and write and talk to people on the phone, watch a hell of a lot of TV, listen to music, read and eat. This summer will be a bitch, I have five acres of yard with many plants and trees and all that fucking grass to cut, thank goodness I have a tractor. I will try and keep it clean and neat, my bride will help me as much as she can. I may have to sell my big house and get a smaller place. Upkeep is a bitch. Sex, I use to post a lot of sex, well shit, I think all of my hard days of fucking are over. I little bit of pussy goes a long way these days. I still love it, but need as much as I use to. This is called getting old. If I were a little younger I would try and do maore and get as much pussy as I could handle. I think I did this but now all I can do is think about it. Take care people and get out and do or fuck someone soon, Cat


  1. .. we all get old, big guy.... it's just part of life.. and you are still in pretty good shape for an old fucker...... so buck up....

  2. No doubt about it getting old sucks!

  3. I love you man! "Get out and do or fuck someone soon"... That's a million dollar t-shirt sayin' just waitin' to happen.

  4. Boys and us old men have this thing in common..we can think about a whole lot more pussy than we can get

  5. Ha -- best line ever -- you SHOULD make that into a T-shirt! Now that I'm done laughing, all I can say is "from your mouth to God's ear!!" I just flew home from Savannah (actually visiting my kids in Beaufort) -- if I'd known about the rattlesnake thing I'd've planned my trip a little later and come up and met all y'all lunatics in person!
