Sunday, August 20, 2006

Made it back

The trip to Brooklet was a good one. They had plenty of peanuts, one farmer sold 60 bushels of cooked nuts, that is a lot. At four dollars a bag, he made a killing, that is 50 pounds to a bushel and his bags were about a little over a pound. The vendors were great also. THey had some people doing crafts, one quilter was there and she was selling nice quilts for 200.00 each, for a king size bed quilt. I have sen them for around 900.oo before. Got me some good honey. Went to see my aunt Lucille, she turned 99 in July, she looked old this trip. She told me she wished she could just close her eyes and die, old people think that way. Brooklet is a very nice town. My cousin Arte is the mayor of Brooklet. The land prices are very high there. Houses are selling around 200,000 now, for a new house. If I sell out in a few years, I may move to Brooklet. My oldest son Joey came out yesterday with his new girlfriend, and we all went out and ate. We was drinking very heavy and was almost drunk. He is 40 years old, but looks 60, because of his hard drinking. Getting ready to go outside and cut some grass, Cat


  1. I'm a quilter, so I would love to have seen those quilts. As far as the peanuts go...lemme see here...60 bushels, approximately 50lbs per bushel at $4.00 per bag, each bag being approximately 16 oz, or a tad over. Hmmm....where's LL when I need a math whiz? Hee-Hee!

  2. $200,000 is a lot for a new house? Here you can't find anything--not even a handyman special--for under $350k.
