Tuesday, July 4, 2006

I am not posting at Livey's site.

Those comments you see on Livey's page are not mine. Ya'll all know me, I always leave my Name and how to reach me after I comment, always.  I noticed that the person using my name Cat, does not have a way to get in touch with them, they have no email or web page. People, it is not me, Cat.


  1. Nobody who knows you would think that it was Cat. The troll didn't even talk like you and of course you would never leave an anon comment like that. What silliness.

  2. Libby, I also commented on Livey's page to tell everyone it was not me and she would not post it. Maybe her doing this shit, Cat

  3. Its all good Cat...I knew it wasnt you....

  4. Its all good Cat. We all knew it wasnt you...

  5. Sorry for the double post.....(but I been doing some doubles...lol)

  6. Cat, that comment was copied over from the previous thread that was dropped off the front page. All the usual contact information was on the original comment. I don't know why the name was truncated, but it was not my doing. Not trying to impersonate you--I stand by my own comments.

  7. Then you need to correct it.

  8. The original,long post was DesertCat and all his identifying information was included. Later, his info was dropped somehow. In the South, we always have a little drama at funerals, but this has been a whole 'nuther ball'a wax' for sure. From what I read over time, Rob's life wasn't without drama, so a nut or two in the funeral parlor compote bowls shouldn't have surprised anyone, and I mean that in the nicest sort of way.

  9. She wouldn't post my comment either. that's okay. It wasn't your fault. She has caused a lot of problems lately.

  10. I got an e-mail from Livey tonight and I informed her that Rob never loved her and would have been completely irate about the arrogant, self centered persona she displayed. She has been a disruptive force in his life since he met her at Cat's house and I wish she would just go away and let us all get through the grieving process.

  11. I got an e-mail from Livey tonight and I informed her that Rob never loved her and would have been completely irate about the arrogant, self centered persona she displayed. She has been a disruptive force in his life since he met her at Cat's house and I wish she would just go away and let us all get through the grieving process.

  12. And of course no one ever stops to think WHY Linda feels the need to copy and paste a comment from another thread into a new one, while 'conveniently' making it look like one of Rob's friends posted it. How much more proof do you people need? Here's two of Rob's BEST friends telling the world that Livey is a friggin nutcase. Open your eyes, people.

  13. Chablis. As Rob would say. I call Bullshit on that. Check your e-mail. I sent you one verifying who I am.

  14. Just to clear up any confusion, I let Willy know that I was referring to the comment on Livey's site...not his.

  15. You know, I've tried to stay on the sidelines in all this but the longer it goes on the more obvious it is that Linda is just manipulating her friends and lying to herself and them to justify it and it just pisses me off. If she really wanted the drama to die down and we all forgive and forget she would have shut down the comments at her place cause all they were doing over there is dissing Stevie and she's not writing a thing. Hell of way to honor the man she allegedly loved if you ask me.

  16. Yeah but Libby, to coin an old phrase, "What would you expect from a pig, but a grunt?"

  17. Man, I am so sorry to hear about all this drama going on. It surely has been nonstop since the meet at your house though and I've only been able to find ONE common denominator. Shit, even *I* knew he didn't love her and I am nowhere close to being in the loop...LOL!!!

  18. You don't need to 'splain nothing. Rob and you gave me a reason to crawl outta bed and get to the 'puter when I was laid up for a year. I'm no wordsmith, but Cat, you spell worser.Long Live Rob's Memory, He was a grand gentleman and I wish I would have met him. I envy your friendship and mourn yuor loss.

  19. You don't need to 'splain nothing. Rob and you gave me a reason to crawl outta bed and get to the 'puter when I was laid up for a year. I'm no wordsmith, but Cat, you spell worser.Long Live Rob's Memory, He was a grand gentleman and I wish I would have met him. I envy your friendship and mourn yuor loss.
