Yes, I got a jury summons in the mail yesterday, not state but federal, this should be fun. I have not done this in federal court, since I was in a bank, when it was being stuck up. I was at a C and S bank and two men with guns came in, one had a rag on his head and the other had a metal hard hat on, I was going out the door when they were coming in to the bank. The man with the hat, stuck his gun, looked like a 1911 45 cal in blue steel , into my ribs. He told me to go back and get on the floor in front of the tellers. I did not ask any questions. I had a gun with me that day and I was thinking about shooting both of those bastards. I never got a clear shot, they got the mamager out of his chair and started to walk by each teller, got the money and then left. I ran out the door with my gun loaded and I was going to get them. They ran to damn fast for me. When I got back to the bank the cops were just getting there. One of them saw me with a gun and he then drew his pistol on me. I told him that I was a customer when the bank was being robbed. I thought that rookie cop was going to kill me. The bank manager told himthat he knew me and I gave them a statment and finally about three days later, they caught them. My day in court sucked, all day long and I saw the two men very well, I told my story, then picked them out in court and left. They both got 25 years to serve. I will never forget that day, Cat
I always go and do my job, I usually get kicked out and off the first day. I think it is the way I answer those questions they gave for you. Also maybe the way I look, Cat