Wednesday, March 30, 2005

My daughter and two grandkids are coming tomorrow

Yes she is, the tribe will be here around 5:00pm. I went to the store today and purchased a ton of stuff. Stephanie told me last night, to buy a lot of junk food for the kids, Tyler is 15 and Rebecca is 13. I will teach Tyler how to shoot some pistols saturday. He already drives a big truck, Rebecca is into boys, all kind of boys. My daughter wants to see her brother, that is still in jail, and also wants to talk to a lawyer about him. Waste of good money. It is his fault.  He needs help, but don't want any. This weekend should be good for all of us. It is her first visit to my new house and she wants to try out the new hot tub. Her husband never goes anywhere. We have a big discount mall in Darien Georgia, about 10 miles from me. I hope she does not want me to take her. She is 36 years old and has a great job with four cancer doctors, she is the manager. She has an accounting degree and they love her, cause she told me that she has saved them over 200,00 in the last year and half. They rewarded her this year with a 20,000 bonus. I am getting ready for our blog meet in april, more coming soon, take care and thanks for all of the comments about my drunk ass son, Cat.


  1. Oh I can't wait to go see my Momma & Daddy and they'll be in their new house by the time we get to Georgia too :) They're moving from Macon to Grey..I never thought they'd ever leave the house I grew up in but...I think they're both going through the CHANGE..haha..buying new cars, getting a dog, big ole house, taking exotic trips...who are these old people and what have they done with my parents?

  2. Oh and my daughter is gonna flip mother, her grandmother recently got a tattoo..if you knew Ms Dot you'd never believe it..
