Wednesday, December 7, 2005

SEX, How much Do you Need?

I have been reading a few bloggers that loves to post about sex, so do I. Sex is a wonderful thing, we need it, and most of us want it everyday. When I was a young man, I would do anything for sex, I dreamed of sex, I thought about sex, all the time. I would fight for sex, you name it and I would do it, just for sex. Father time takes its toll on all of us. I am at the time of my life, sex is still great, but I don't need as much as I use to. I still write about sex and sometimes I even think about sex. Cable TV has many sex shows on at night, I look at some of them and when I read about sex, I still get the feeling, that I need it right now. Don't get me wrong, my dick still gets hard and I don't need any blue pills to help me out. This post is for all of the younger people that reads my blog, get all the sex you can get, don't pass up any sex, always be on ready. For when you get older, you don't need as much and I truly think, pussy gets stronger with age. It also goes a lot longer with age. It is still very good, but you just don't need as much. Till next time, do some fucking and peace, Cat


  1. Cat, you rock dude! Keep up the sex talk. Nothing like reading about fucking while at work!

  2. Pussy gets stronger with age? 'splain that one to me Lucy.

  3. Okay Ricky, as soon as you get to Georgia.

  4. Pearls of wisdom from the master.........

  5. Ok, y'all are scaring me now. I need to know some time frames here. How much is "not as much as I used to" ..that could mean from needing it 2-3 times a day to once a day? or longer? I like my husband just the way he is now...daily is fine with me...

  6. Dishonorable SchoolboyDecember 12, 2005 at 5:01 AM

    It does last longer, but I appreciate it a lot more now. I'm not in a hurry for much these days and sex especially is worth slowing down the pace.
