Saturday, December 31, 2005

Livey is Here

Last night I drove 90 miles to Jax airport to pickup Livey, they lost her bags? Cocksuckers, United Airlines. We got back to my house around 1:00 in the morning, no party for us. We had a fire outside and Linda ate pork and popcorn, what a meal. Chuck, my biker friend, was with me. He enjoyed Linda's company, Chuck and me stayed up till about 5 and was sleeping good, until Linda came and jumped in my bed and woke my lazy ass up. I don't do mornings, it is still early and I could have killed her for waking me up, I need my sleep. Everything has been planned for our party and we are waiting for tueday, Cat


  1. Hope you all have a great time Cat. Happy New Year

  2. Damn, I wish I was with all ya'll! If nothing else, I could have warned livey about the sucking noises in the airplane toilet. LOL!! Have fun!!

  3. Oh to be a fly on the wall....*grin*

  4. Joey wants to know if you need a new coffeepot, we can bring it when we come Tuesday. Tell Linda to call me dammit...or give me your number to call her!!! See ya'll soon!

  5. Hope y'all are having a great time at the Great Blogger Meeting.As I told Livey if you deceide to visit western NC and get near Mt. Airy let me know. Would love to show you this area of Virginia.Wish I could make the six hour drive and join you but right now my wife is starting a new job and needs my support.Have a fantastic time and a Happy New Year to you all.

  6. I had to go back to work yesterday. I hope you guys are having a blast, though!!!!! Happy New Year!

  7. Lesseee...Catfish and livey in the same house....Who has time to post on a blog???

  8. pics on my blog!!
