I was reading my friend, parkwayreststop yesterday and he got me thinking about my cousin. My cousin is very smart, when we were growing up, all he did was study. He has never done anything but go to school. He would get one degree and then go back and get another. He has never made anything but 4.0 on all of the schools he has been. Just smart as hell. He married, had three kids and still in school. I think he has four degrees and he is also a doctor of something. He works for NASA, in Alabama. No one in the family talks to him, you can't. He never says shit, just thinking about his education and work? His wife has to lay out his clothes for him everyday, why? cause the dumb SOB would have on a red shirt, red pants and red socks. He can't do shit. He has never been to a grocery store, never cooked anything, no sports, no nothing. Every christmas, he got toys and games for the kids, at least the wife did, and he could never put them together. He has never done any painting, any chores around the house, just work and read about his work. I will never understand how she got knocked up three times by this dork? Someone must have given him lessons or even had to put his dick into her for that dumb ass. Who the fuck knows, I can't figure him out. He makes great money and has never written a check, he knows nothing about money, bills or savings. Carol does it all for him, he just brings home the bacon, a lot of bacon. I would rather be like me, can't write, can't spell, did not get a degree in anything, but I can do somethings and I can dress myself. Thought you people would want to know a little about my family, Cat
Hey now, don't knock it. It's guys like that keeps people like me in business. When the wife dies they are absolutely totally clueless how to deal with life. At least he'll be able to afford help in his old age.
ReplyDeleteThat's the kind of guy who all the gold diggers go after. If his wife dies, he'll have some arm candy named Bambi spending his money for him. I know lots of guys like that. Of course, I live in the NASA neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteI work with some scientists and researchers like that. However I'm with you, I'd rather have a mix of common sense and book smarts, not just one or the other.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to fixing shit, I have no defense. However, I can play a twelve-bar blues.