Sunday, June 12, 2005

Drive Ways

Today, I am getting a drive way poured for my new house, I need a few loads of dirt and them 4 big loads of asphalt. It will be 180 feet long and 12 foot wide, it has to curve around two big oak trees to get into the double car garage. It should be very nice. My son is better and I feel like shit. Getting old and having back problems suck. I remember one time daddy and I were goinf fishing, I went to pick him up and when I got there, he was on the sidewalk. He slipped and fell, I took him to the ER and they stuck a 8 inch needle in his knee, man that looked bad and daddy have sweat balls on his head, the size of quarters. The doctor told him that he would be okay in about 3 weeks, after about 8 weeks of healing, he finally went to a bone man and they had to cut his knee and leg open again. He was in bed for a month and did nothing for 3 months, by then fishing season has gone. He told me that getting old was the worst thing in life to happen to you. Bones just don't heal that fast, when you get old. I never thought I would be in the same shoes my daddy was. I have always been big, almost as big as daddy and healthy has a horse. I would not wish this on my worst enemy. I saw a show on PBS last night about the 60's music and it brought back so many memories, I almost cried laughing at some of them. It was mostly about the girls I dated and went with during high school, time sure has gone by fast. Friday and saturday nights were my life, girls, girls and more girls, man those were the days, Cat


  1. I hear ya on the "not healing as quick". 2 years ago my horse threw my sorry ass. I ended up in the ER and it took a month before I could even walk with out a limp. When I was younger, I could bounce back with no problems........not any more!

  2. I know, Cat. Old age ain't for pussies, is it? (sigh)
