Sunday, June 5, 2005

I went to the doctors today

I had a small knot in my stomach, it was the size of an egg. Every now and then it hurt like hell. Two days ago, I was working around my yard, and a very bad pain hit me. What the shit is that? I asked myself. Went into the house and found the knot went down to my balls. I almost shit my pants again. Did not know what to do, I got my ass in the bed and went to sleep. Several hours later I woke up and the pain and the know was gone, must have been a miracle, ot Jesus came and saved my sorry ass. I went to see my doctor today and he said that I had a hernia, not a bad one, just a hernia. This one can't grow and bust like some of them can. Dr told me to take it easy for a while and don't pickup anything over 15 pounds. I can handle that. Now I have pains from my tits all the way down to my toes. Got to go back next month and check on it again, may have to get it cut out, Cat


  1. wish I could be there to kiss/lick/suck your pain away darling. Please take it easy.

  2. wish I could be there to kiss/lick/suck your pain away darling. Please take it easy.

  3. Hope you are feeling better soon. I'll light a candle for you.

  4. Ohhh Cat! I am so sorry. I wish I were there to pamper you to help you heal!

  5. You da boss, order the heavy stuff lifted, and take it easy like doc said! ...or I'll nag. And I mean it. ;)
